Has technology changed us?

A Technology does not make us all the same

When technology started, with the first mobile phones, no one believed that this was going to change people's lives. However, as time passes, each time technology replaces everyday situations, such as, if we wanted to know about a topic, we had to go to the library or ask someone who knows about this, but now we only sit in front of a computer or a cell phone and write what we want to know, likewise they used to talk face to face and now they communicate remotely with applications such as WhatsApp, Skype, Messenger, Line, Face Time, Zoom, and many more; We did not live it as generation Z, but my parents say that in their childhood they were the current remote control, if my grandparents wanted the TV to turn on, turn up or turn down, they had to get up from the seat and go to the TV and making the requested adjustment, returning to the post or if you wanted to change the channel was the same story and today we can simply do all of the above simply by moving a finger and from the comfort of the chair; Something very seemed with the phone, this element was not very common in the childhood of my parents, it only existed very sporadically in neighboring houses and if it existed it was the community phone, they called and called this and the rin rin, was called from voice to voice until the person was found, later on, public telephones were installed in the corners, queues were used and, incidentally, it was the gathering center, while it was the turn of using the phone, it was more fun and to see today that every person has a cell phone. The arrival of technology leaves a decade behind, and the beginning of great changes in which technology has shaped our lives. Cities, vehicles, work tools and above all our daily habits and routines have been transformed by the unstoppable development of technology. The changes we have experienced have made our lives different; and it is that technology evolves today at such a speed that in a decade there have been impressive changes than expected.

Due to this there have been multiple opinions and writings on the pros and cons of this new era that completely changes our day to day. Although it is true that in many aspects it has made life easier for us, in many others it has made us slaves to devices that we cannot let go of. Indeed, technology is part of our day to day, it is something so naturalized, that many times we are not aware of how this reaches our hands, how many people had it before us and what is the social, economic, environmental impact and especially cultural that it has on our lives. "It is good but over the years they will affect the life of the human being" says Liliana; but is this true? Will the same thing happen in movies that end the world because of technology? The answer is we do not know, because some people will say that it is the product of the imagination and others will be certain that it is so. Although, Mr. Fabio who said that "technology is neither good nor bad, it depends on how we apply it"; Like any tool, it can be used in many different ways and depends on how you use it, you will see from your point of view, whether it is good or bad. Although, some believe that excess technology can make people believe that everything is easy. And therefore, real life is like that. On the other hand, going to the physical side, some children alter the sleep cycle, which alters growth and development hormone, since it requires certain hours of sleep. Finally you have to understand that technology is part of this world. It has long since arrived and it is to stay, so it is not good for a child to grow up without it. In the future, he may have limitations to integrate the world in which he lives. You just have to know how to moderate its use, so that children do not cease to be just children and become little robots.

Technology is part of our lives and there is no doubt about it. Going down the street talking on the phone, doing business at a distance, virtually visiting the place where we will go on vacation ... these are small actions that little by little we have been incorporating into our daily routine, but which until recently were costing us travel, time and paperwork . Daily, we use a means of transportation to get to our destination; We use the telephone to make a personal or business call; We send a fax to someone who is in another building, or to another state; we write an "email" to communicate with our coworkers, friends or family; And so we can specify a wide variety of technologies that coexist with us, sometimes realizing their direct influence on our "being", although most of the time it goes unnoticed.


  1. Yes, it's very true, I like the way You express yourself, good job.

  2. It is true, throughout our existence we have evolved with technology

  3. I think technology is the best thing that man has invented


  4. very good blog, I really think the same, every day technology has evolved and now it is essential


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